Bible Verse

Revelation 3:5

Sometimes what we learn in the bible can be a little bit of a downer. Jesus had some pretty harsh...

Revelation 2:19

We have been working through the letters to the churches from Jesus (through John) in Revelation and yesterday Pastor Nate...

Baptism Party!

What a beautiful day yesterday. Luke 15:10 In the same way, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels when...

Revelation 2:10

1 out of 7 Christians in the world faces high persecution according to Those under pressure take strength from...

Tree of Life

If you missed Gene’s sermon, it is up on our YouTube channel. Great insight into what the city of Ephesus...

John 14:16-18

It is always a good sign when your classes and your sermons overlap. God is pretty awesome like that. Here...


Pastor Nate continued his “A Light Shines in the Darkness” series with a discussion of the Holy Spirit and its...

Live Holy

What a great day yesterday hearing about Fredi’s testimony and his heart for the Quechua people to have a bible...

The Lamp

These were some of the main points of yesterday’s sermon. Give a listen if you missed it. Jesus is the...

Romans 1:17

Yesterday, Pastor Curtis continued his series on faith – that little 5 letter word. If you missed it, the recording...


Thank you to everyone who helped us light the advent candles and share the readings. Christ has come. Hallelujah! Isaiah...

1 Corinthians 14:3

We heard from Rebecca on the gift of prophecy and being prophetic yesterday. If you missed it, you can listen...

Galatians 6:10

Thank you Vickie for the good word yesterday! This week, let’s remember that evangelism is just sharing the good news...

The Purpose of our Gifts

We are exploring the five fold ministry in December – Christ’s Gifts To You. Ephesians 4:11 “So Christ himself gave...


I have reached the age where my peer group is starting to be dismayed by the changes in our bodies....


Paul expected new believers to have been baptized in the name of Jesus AND to have received the power of...

Full Circle

We started the year with this verse as we were working though the merge of our two congregations and Pastor...

New Self

Pastor Curtis challenges us to dress for success this week from Colossians 3:10. Put on the new self!

Colossians 3:7,8

Pastor Curtis did a great job defining “such as these” and exhorting us to examine our lives and live pure...


Pastor Curtis has been teaching on “Change What Needs to be Changed”. Take an honest look at your life or,...


Hey LAMP Ministries! Here’s another light verse. Shine the light of Jesus everywhere you go this week.

Matthew 5:15

The bible is full of light! Who remembers “This Little Light of Mine”? It is based on Matthew 5:15.

Lamp Verse

The youth group is memorizing a “lamp” verse. Check it out and join them in meditating on God’s word this...

Theme Verses

We announced our new name – LAMP Ministries – last week and we have been getting bible verses about lamps...