Love Goes

The second half of our mission statement is to “go”. Matthew 28:19-20: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Part of the way to try to achieve this mission is to support our world and local missionaries. We got to hear from one such family on Sunday. (Thank you to everyone who came and donated to support them. It was a beautiful service.) We are thankful to them for following God’s calling to the other side of the world. They went and they will be going again and we support them financially and through our prayers.

The other way to try to achieve our mission is to “go” into McGregor. On Saturday, we were able to pack and deliver 75 blessing bags to families in town. (Thank you to everyone who helped or donated for the bags!) We also hosted a prayer time at a local park so we could offer a prayer covering to this whole area, the businesses, the churches, and the people of this town.

All Christians should be participating in ‘going’ at some level. Whether it is to go to a new country or to go across your yard and meet your neighbor, the command in Matthew 28 is hard to ignore. And that is why we are called Active Love. We don’t want people to have to guess that we love them. We want to show it. We don’t want to just wait in our building for people to stumble onto us, we want to be out there sharing and giving. Because Love Goes!