McGregor Ministerial Alliance

The Ministerial Alliance is a network of pastors and churches in McGregor who desire to see Jesus Christ lifted up as the source of life and hope in our community.

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We meet monthly for pastors’ fellowship, prayer, and planning for upcoming events and ministries to serve McGregor. If you would like to join us, please contact Pastor Nate Moehring at to be added to our contact list.

Pastors only: Church / Pastor Roster

If you are a pastor or church leader in or around the McGregor area, please contact Nate if you would like to be added to our GroupMe group so you can be a part of real-time conversations for prayer requests and communicating ministry needs.

The Alliance also has a Utility Assistance Ministry in which a family can receive financial assistance for a utility bill one time per year. Please contact First Baptist Church of McGregor for more information about the Utility Assistance Ministry.